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Polish Sauerkraut

Polish Sauerkraut
Polish Sauerkraut

What's great about it

I was brought up on sauerkraut. My Great Polish Aunt was a specialist sauerkraut maker and I remember us as kids always having it with our meals. The sour flavour comes from the process of lacto-fermentation, similar to the pickling of cucumbers. But instead of soaking the cabbage in a vinegary brine solution, sauerkraut preparation requires only salt and the lactic acid bacteria already present on raw cabbage. Sauerkraut produces amazing amounts of a healthy probiotic that helps with digestion and a healthy immune system.


Makes 1 jar


1 kg cabbage – 1 large cabbage

1 tablespoons Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt

3 bay leaves

4 black peppercorns

The main ingredient of sauerkraut is cabbage and salt.

To every 1 kg of cabbage use 15 g (1 tablespoon) of salt.

Use a good unrefined salt rich in minerals such as Celtic sea salt.



  1. Wash the cabbage and remove the outer leaves.
  2. Grate or slice the cabbage finely.
  3. Weigh the cabbage and weigh out the correct amount of salt.
  4. Layer the cabbage and salt in your fermenting crock pot or a large glass or ceramic mixing bowl, massaging each layer as you go.
  5. As you massage the cabbage will start to soften and release water. This will take about 15 minutes. There should be about 5 cm of juices on top of the cabbage.  If this does not happen to make up a salt water mixture of 15 g of sea salt to 1 litre of water and add a little of it to the crock-pot only if necessary.
  6. Add the bay leaves and peppercorns.
  7. If using a fermenting pot, put the weights on top of the cabbage, submerging it beneath the liquid. Then place the lid on top and follow manufacturers instructions.
  8. Alternatively  - Pack the cabbage tightly into a sterilised jar, pressing down into the jar as you pack it with cabbage, the cabbage should be completely submerged in the brine you’ve created.
  9. Seal the lid and place the sauerkraut in a dark spot at room temperature for a least 1 week.
  10. Refrigerate then enjoy.

Notes and Inspiration

If you make sauerkraut often, it's worth investing in a good quality fermenting crock-pot which will make sauerkraut making a breeze. I have an awesome one at home from MS -Steinzeugwaren in Germany.

Other vegetables and aromatics can be added for colour and nutritional benefit.

Choose from carrots or different coloured cabbage. My great aunt used to add a few bay leaves and black peppercorns to her mix.

Perfect with fresh made green salads such as Kale Salad - Superfood Tabouli 

Add as a side to smashed organic eggs or scrambled eggs and sautéed greens + a little Dijon mustard.

Make an open Reuben style sandwich with sourdough rye and top with avo, cured ocean trout, cucumber ribbon and top with sauerkraut.

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