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Perfect Digestive Health

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I'm pleased to announce the launch of my new book 'Perfect Digestive Health".

It's the beginning of a new year and many of us have embarked on the journey to improve our health + wellbeing in some way or another - but did you know that all good health starts by having a healthy digestive system, as this is the primary area where we receive the goodness from the foods that we consume.  A healthy digestive system leads to a healthier body and mind.

The inspiration for this book stems from my own personal journey and the hundreds of emails I receive from people on their personal quest for better digestive health.  It began as a simple eating plan but evolved to something much greater as digestion is far from simple. As I’ve grown, I have got to know my body inside and out. I know what nurtures it and what irritates it. It’s taken a lifetime to explore my constitution of health and the many possibilities that exist to help my body function and heal.

There are many contributing factors that affect digestion and it’s a process of elimination to discover what works for you and what doesn’t. Factors such as diet, food intolerances, stress, adrenal burnout, hormones, lifestyle, emotional disposition, anxiety, chemicals, parasites, bacteria, medications, relationships and sleep will affect the state of your health and how your body works.

This book shares the most important facts on how to achieve perfect digestive health. It will show you how to make positive diet and lifestyle changes that will help to nourish and support your digestive system for life !

    • Perfect Digestive Health includes a 14 day eating plan
    • Healing recipes to support digestion
    • The best foods to eat and what to avoid
    • The best supplements and lifestyle factors and much more to get you back on track.


I believe that food is most healing when it is close to it's original state and has the properties to heal and nourish. The Healthy Chef philosophy is a realistic and sensible approach to healthy eating that will last a lifetime.

Perfect Digestive Health is available in hardcopy from our eStore as well as iTunes, Amazon + Google as an eBook.  

Enjoy the journey of healthy eating with balance, wisdom and moderation.

Love Teresa x 



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