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Goodness Shake

Goodness Shake
Goodness Shake

What's great about it

This is my go-to everyday protein treat that I enjoy most afternoons. It satisfies any cravings plus it provides your body with much needed amino acids required for total wellbeing. Detox diets are generally low in protein sources, so clean + natural protein shakes are a vital component to a healthy detox program to ensure you receive your daily protein requirement. This is essential as your body requirers adequate amino acids for the construction of enzymes and other molecules integral to the detoxification pathways. Protein can work effectively to regulate the appetite, increase satiety and encourage significant weight loss.


Serves 1

2 tablespoons Healthy Chef Protein

250 ml coconut water or homemade almond milk if you need something a little creamy and more filling.

250 ml water



  1. COMBINE all the ingredients in a blender bottle or glass mason jar with a fitted lid.
  2. SHAKE with ice.
  3. DRINK and enjoy.

Notes and Inspiration

Add 1 tablespoon Organic Superfood.


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