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Breakfast In A Glass

Breakfast In A Glass
Breakfast In A Glass

What's great about it

This is a fabulous breakfast that I've been enjoying over the Christmas break. Filled with the goodness of summer fruits that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fibre that the body can easily absorb. I LOVE BANANAS ! It's important that you use ripe frozen banana for this recipe as it will make the final result thick and creamy - similar to eating a cone of soft serve. You can pretty much top this with any fruits you fancy but I take advantage of fresh sweet berries this time of year and my granola gives it that final delicious crunch and texture that completes the taste experience.


Makes 2 jars

1 ripe banana, frozen and chopped

1 whole mango, peeled, chopped

1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder (optional)

1/2 cup organic natural yoghurt with live cultures or kefir

1 tablespoon LSA or chia

2 tablespoons Healthy Chef Protein

80 g fresh blueberries

250 g fresh strawberries, washed and halved

Handful healthy chef granola or raw nuts and seeds



  1. Combine banana, mango flesh, protein powder, turmeric, LSA and yoghurt into a high performance blender.
  2. Blend until smooth, thick and creamy. Add a little orange juice or water if necessary.
  3. Spoon into serving jars and top with fresh berries and granola.
  4. Enjoy

Notes and Inspiration

For those that are dairy-free, use coconut water or coconut yoghurt to blend and use my Organic Pea Protein.

  • Use 1 whole peeled orange in place of the mango.
  • Add other fruits in season to garnish such as peaches and raspberries.
  • Sprinkle with pistachio or flaked coconut in place of granola.


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